Seventh Framework Program (FP7)

The FP7 project Influence aims at improving the fundamental understanding and control of interfaces of a battery type based on Li-ion and Na-ion...


ALISE (Advance Lithium Sulphur Batteries for Hybrid Electric Vehicle) focuses on the development and commercial scale-up of new materials and on...


ALION (High Specific Energy Aluminium-ion rechargable decentralised electricity generation sources) focuses on the development of Al-ion battery...


Lithium sulphur batteries (LSB) are viable candidates for commercialization among all post Li-ion battery technologies thanks to their high...


“MAGENTA proposes a brand new technological technology path in thermoelectric materials research for waste-heat recovery applications.”


Si-DRIVE focuses on the development of next generation Li-ion batteries based on Ionic Liquids solid electrolyte, silicon anode and cobalt-free...

European training network in innovative polymers for next-generation electrochemical energy storage.

POLYSTORAGE ETN aims to develop high quality training opportunities in the area of “Polymers for Next Generation Electrochemical Energy Storage”.


Solid-liquid thermoelectric systems with uncorrelated properties. A powerful factor for enhanced thermoelectric power generation.


The SeNSE project aims at enabling next generation lithium-ion batteries with a silicon-graphite composite anode and a nickel-rich NMC cathode to...


Sustainable batteries with ultra-high performances and smart functionalities will play a critical role in powering Europe’s transition from fossil...

COBRA : Cobalt-free Batteries for FutuRe Automotive Applications

Cobalt is necessary for the production of the most common types of lithium-ion batteries (Li-ion), like the rechargeable ones used to power our...


BATT4EU is a Co-programmed Partnership established under Horizon Europe (The next Framework Programme for Research and Innovation of the European...